Cashflow On Demand – Income For Life

Learn how to generate an income for life with covered calls

Level 2 Course




Cashflow is like oxygen, without it we are dead!  The Cashflow on Demand program breaks down into bite sized chunks, an incredibly powerful, simple to follow process that just about anyone can follow, irrespective of age, race, gender or education.

Generating regular income, weekly, fortnightly or monthly helps our clients buy back their time, giving them an opportunity to live life on their terms, while continuing to enjoy the peace of mind that only comes from professional levels of risk management, make this a must have Level Two program for anyone who is serious about having a great lifestyle.

For more than 20 years, Cashflow On Demand has been a market leading program for helping everyday investors generate regular, reliable, immediate and upfront income from their investments.  Even more important, how to manage their risk. If you need more income from your investments, and want less risk, then this is the course for you






of interactive learning


Breaking down this process starts with 4 simple, powerful rules for you to apply across every trade.  Use these 4 Rules and you are going to be tilting the odds almost unfairly in your favour every time you take a trade.  If you have ever wondered why “House Always Wins” you are about to learn how. This course will make sure you are on the right side of the trade!

Course Introduction
My Journey
Session Introduction
The Three Decision Points
Foundations of Technical Analysis - Introducing Charts
Foundations of Technical Analysis - Reading And Understanding Charts
Foundations of Technical Analysis - Slicing and Dicing Your Charts
Foundations of Technical Analysis - Moving Averages
Foundations of Technical Analysis - The RSI
Foundations of Technical Analysis- Understanding Volume
Foundations of Technical Analysis - Using On Balance Volume
Foundations of Technical Analysis - Get It Clear and CORRECT Your Trade Management Spreadsheet
Technical Analysis - Indicators In Summary
Technical Analysis - The Indicator Rabbit Hole
Technical Analysis - The Indicator Family
Technical Analysis - Technical Set Ups - Trading The Break Out
Technical Analysis - Technical Set Ups - The Golden Finger Print
Technical Analysis - Technical Set Ups - Trading The Break Down
Technical Analysis - Technical Set Ups - Using Interim Fatigue
Technical Analysis - Technical Set Ups - Negative Divergence on RSI 9
Fundamental Analysis - Fundamentals Introduction
Fundamental Analysis - The Top Down View
Fundamental Analysis - The Economic Cycle
Fundamental Analysis - Bottom Up Investing
Fundamental Analysis - Sector Rotation
Quants - Introduction to Quants
Quants - P/E ratio and Valuations
Quants - Implied Volatility
Quants - Reporting and announcements with Implied Volatility
Bringing it all together
Module Close
Session Introduction
Risk - Diversification
Risk - Position sizing
Risk - Averaging Down
Risk - Introduction to stops
Risk - Types of Stop Losses
Risk - Adjusting your Stop Loss
Risk - Buying Puts
Risk - Challenges and Risk
Module Close
Session Introduction
Orders - The key elements
Orders - The Key Data Points
Types of Orders - Basics
Types of Order - Advanced
Working Orders
Short Selling
Know the Game you are playing - Order Placement
Module Close
Introduction to Building Your Business Plan
Self Examination
Develop Your Plan 
Business Process Management
Sample Plan
Sample Plan: Opening Range Breakout
Sample Plan: Covered Call
Sample Plan: Break Down
Session Close


Confirmation of your ability to trade and earn money from it!

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